So today I went on a run by myself while Alicia was at work. I was aiming for either 3 or 4 miles. I made the mistake of trying for 2 goals and ended up reaching too high and not meeting either of them; but it was still good to push myself. I wanted to average around 10 min miles for the whole run and I also wanted my first mile to be around 8 min to match the speed I was able to do a few days ago. So I went strong and was doing really well the first mile but couldn’t see how fast I was truly going b/c of the settings I had on my garmin. So when I finished the first mile it showed at 8 min 31 seconds. I have to admit that I was disappointed even though that is a really good time. I was also really struggling with my breathing which hasn’t been an issue in a long time. I hope my asthma is not coming back. I think maybe the high pollen levels could have been affecting my breathing. Plus it was 89 degrees out.
My second mile wasn’t as good. I was tired from the first mile and I also stopped to stretch and thought I had stopped my garmin for the stretch and didn’t. I also had to walk 2 short times during the second mile. So the second mile was 12 min and 49 seconds.
With the third mile I was really trying to make up for the 2nd mile and was doing well at first and then my stomach really started hurting and I could tell it was from eating right before I left for the run. I actually felt like I was going to puke so I had to slow it down and walk more than I wanted. I ended up with a 11 min 47 sec mile.
Then I did a slow and easy .45 mile cool down that took me 10 min and 34 seconds to complete. I was definitely not going for any goal with that except to ease out of the run and settle my stomach. Overall it was a really rough run and I also felt very tense during the run in my upper back and shoulders no matter how much I tried to loosen up and stretch. Even though I didn't meet my goals I know that it was still a good time and I'm glad I pushed myself so hard.
Mile 1: 8:31
Mile 2: 12:49
Mile 3: 11:47
Total for 3 miles: 33:07 for 3
In other news. Alicia and I got Zoe to the vet for the first time since moving to Florida. I feel like a bad cat mom for not doing it sooner and she did have fleas. We also discovered that the brush we were using that worked well for Lillie just wasn’t working for Zoe and she really did have a lot of hair that she was shedding. We were able to get a new brush for her so hopefully between the new science diet we just started using and brushing her with the new brush, she won’t have so many hairballs. Of course Lillie has still been hissing at Zoe and it’s been 2 days now but they seem a little better. I told her she needs to be nice because she has her appointment on Tuesday. I got to give a cat a pill for the first time ever. Alicia held Zoe and I opened her moth and shoved the pill down her throat and got it on the first try. Lillie, however, was a struggle and, after numerous attempts, I put it in some wet catfood and she ate it that way. Wish I had done that from the beginning. To help fight the fleas we got frontline and also the pill that works for a month and we have been vacuuming the whole apartment and spraying it with flea killer spray.

Today I got up at 8:30 even though I went to bed around 2. I have trouble sleeping in these days when I get up at around 6:30 most mornings. I did some cleaning and read a little. I’m reading a Chicken Soup book about heavenly stories of people having contact with angels or dead friends or relatives helping them in some way or miracles. It’s pretty interesting. I made a French toast and spam brunch and made Alicia get up a little after 11. I went to Track Shack and got some new shorts and some energy gels for our long runs. I wore a ball state shirt and I had 2 people ask me about it. One said a bunch of her family lives in IN and another said her father graduated with his mastor's there and commented that that was where Davide Letterman graduated from. Then I mostly just messed around online a little and read from 1984 out on the porch with the cats and then went on my run. To relax I just finished watching the extreme makeover weight loss edition that I had started earlier in the week but had fallen asleep during.
It’s been a pretty good day!