Last night I looked up Vets in the area because both cats are due to go by sometime next month (I'm proud of myself that I was able to find the documents from the last vet so I can show their shot history). There are two close by with good and bad reviews on google.


It's do you pick a vet really? Their last vet was chosen primary out of laziness and the fact that it was close enough to walk to. It was good enough for what we needed and didn't seem too expensive but we also didn't really review other prices...
I mean Union Park Vet is close to home. Got a 15 out of 30 on Google reviews. It has 125 likes of facebook....It seems small and appears to only have one main vet and a back up vet working there. One benefit is that it is open Tue and Th until 7 and Saturday until noon which makes it convenient for me considering the earliest I get home is 5:15 if I actually leave on time. They can board pets which would be good if we had to do that with our cats; they'd be familiar with them already.
University Animal Hospital is also close to home. Got a 13 out of 21 on Google reviews. It has 307 likes on facebook....It has four vets there which would be good for a second opinion. It is also open on Saturday but on the weekdays it closes by 6pm which could pose a problem. They can board pets which would be good if we had to do that with our cats; they'd be familiar with them already.
I guess you really just have to go and check it out. I don't know anyone living in the area so I can't find out from their personal experiences and I don't want to drive out to a farther location. I think I'll be calling to see how much a basic appointment costs this week and see what they say. The hours at the Union park one would be good but it seems like University may have more to offer in the way of deals on pet meds but I'm not sure if being larger is actually better...sigh.
I definitely want what is best for the kitties. We shall see.
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