Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I maintained 11 minute miles!

So today felt like a long day. I worked overtime so I was gone from 7:30 (got a late start leaving this morning) and got home around 6:15 pm (but stopped and got taco bell on the way home). After I ate my unhealthy Taco Bell (the new doritos taco shells are really good), I went for a run aiming for 6 miles. I was kind of wanting to do 10 min. miles but wasn't going to kill myself out there either. I ended up getting 6 done in about 66 minutes and was going to go for an easy half mile or so cool down. However, I felt like I still had more in me and ended up going another 2 miles and was going really strong so that I got those two miles done in about 21 minutes for 8 miles completed in 87 minutes. I was definitely happy with myself. Somehow being able to still maintain that kind of speed for an additional 2 miles is exactly what I needed. As soon as I started walking I could tell that I didn't have much left in me at all but I'm really proud at what I accomplished.

I'm improving slowly but surely and getting it back after all the laziness of the couple months of not running. I know from my run today that if I was surrounded by runners and people cheering for me, I would have been able to push myself even more. That gives me confidence that I will be able to do well in the next race. I'm doing the Disney Land half marathon labor day weekend. That gives me close to a month and a half more training for it. I already know that I will not be aiming for a PR because I want to get my photo taken as much as possible and Disney races are pretty crowded unless you are at the front of the pack but it will be nice to get my speed up so that I can make up for lost time in the lines and such. I'm also really trying to get my speed and endurance up for my first FULL January13th. It is far away but at the same time I know time will fly by and next thing I know I will be waking up at 3am to run with all the other crazies out there who think the idea of running 26.2 miles is fun....lol. :)

With that I will leave you with a photo from the last run I did with Alicia. Yay for running photos where your feet arn't touching the ground!

1 comment:

  1. I'm really impressed with your pace! It's realy tough to hold a good pace for so many consecutive miles, so what you did is pretty fantastic. Way to go!

    I also really like that picture. I'm glad I made you go back and try a second time. hahaha.
